​Child sexual abuse happens more than you know
One in four girls, and one in six boys, will be sexually assaulted before they turn 18. In 2023, 76% of the children served at the CAC were female and 24% were male.

"Stranger Danger" is not the most pressing concern when it comes to sexual assault of children
Most children (90% nationwide) are abused by someone they know and often trust. At the Children's Advocacy Center, Inc. in Pittsburg, KS, 100% of the children served in 2023 knew their alleged offenders.
Children of all ages are sexually abused
Nationally, the average age of sexual abuse victim is 9 years old. In 2023, the CAC served 125 kids. 30% were 0-6 years old, 33% were 7-12 years old, 35% were 13-17 years old, and 2% were 18 and up.
Children reporting sexual abuse should be believed
"False reports of sexual abuse by children are rare. It is estimated that only 4-8% of child sexual abuse reports are fabricated. Most of the fabricated reports are made by adults involved in child custody disputes or by adolescents." learn more...

​How can you help?
The Children's Advocacy Center, Inc. never charges for services provided to victims of child abuse or their non-offending caregivers. We rely solely on grants, our annual fundraisers, and the generosity of our community supporters to carry out our mission.
Explore our "Get Involved"
and our "Resources" sections to educate yourself and others about child abuse or learn how you can help at the CAC